Fluss der Zeit

This Dance - Five for Fighting


     看到five for fighting 你会以为这是一个乐队的名字,奋斗的五人组?不不,这是音乐人John Ondrasik的“艺名”。搞不懂为何他要给自己取一个这么像是乐队名称的艺名——实际上,Five For Fighting这个词原来是冰球比赛中的一项规则,指被裁判罚下场5分钟等待重新上场的队员。

      作为一位创作型才子,John Ondrasik的音乐不仅动人,而且歌颂爱和美。在他的专辑中,几乎所有的部分都是他一个人完成的:作词,作曲,编曲,钢琴,吉他,贝斯,混音……John Ondrasik的风格属于pop rock,很适合小清新风格的孩纸们品味。他的几大专辑如同名专辑《Five for Fighting》等,整张专辑都是好听的音乐,但不知为何他在国内的知名度并不高,算是一个小众的音乐人。也许因为独立音乐的路相对难走吧。

      在重金属碰撞和各种层出不穷的音乐花样(我们称之为流行或者潮流)的喧嚣中,John Ondrasik倾向于歌剧般的悠扬与寂静,欢快流动或者清醒沉思。这也许跟他自小跟着做钢琴教师的母亲学习音乐,后来又去学习歌剧有很大关系。

      这首This Dance是最早使我爱上John Ondrasik犹如大男孩一般清澈的声音的一首歌。尤其是到了高音部分,令人想起月光下房檐上轻轻踏过的一只纯白色孔雀,优雅而自如,不是男性惯常的浑厚低沉的刻板印象,也不是一些流行乐中的男声刻意拉长或者逼尖的声线,完全是一种享受和陶醉,如同欣赏一曲曼妙的舞曲。我喜欢这些使人愉悦的歌曲,哪怕,只是一种很简单的歌颂。


Five For Fighting - This Dance

This is not our favorite song
but the night is moving right along
may I have your hand, may I have this dance.

I sense that you are amused,
but you just bought those brand new shoes.
It would such a shame not to give us the chance.

And oh my love there is only so many dances
we can take across the night.

So while is just me and you
I thought I might say to you
You put the beautiful in life.

I know at times that you feel alone
when I'm here and I'm never home.
You said before is the price that you pay.

On matters of clarity
is not secret you are carrying me.
But you disguise thoughts of fall
I will keep you safe.

And oh my love there is only so many dances
we can take across the night.

So while is just me and you
I thought I might say to you
You put the beautiful in life.

And oh....

This is not our favorite song
but I wish it go on and on
it's moments like these
singers do all they can to stop time.

So let me just say to you
before the DJ changes the tune
you put the beautiful in life
you put the beautiful in life.
